Posts tagged "andrea coyotzi borja"
Open Studio: Andrea Coyotzi Borja

Open Studio: Andrea Coyotzi Borja

OPEN STUDIO: Andrea Coyotzi Borja “Today I was walking and I forgot who I am”   Thursday, July 25, 2013, from 6-10 pm Igor Metropol Studio Budapest 1116, Sztregova u. 1., 4th floor Program: from 6pm – Open Studio of Andrea Coyotzi Borja from 7pm – Open Insitu Works in the ex-Vertesz factory building (Sztregova...
Andrea Coyotzi Borja

Andrea Coyotzi Borja

Current studio artist in June 2013 at Igor Metropol is Andrea Coyotzi Borja (*1984) from Puebla, Mexiko. In her artistic practice Andrea mostly uses video, mixed media, text and drawing. At Igor Metropol she will finish a project based on postcards, partly inspired by her impressions in Budapest and Jászdózsa and will realize and exhibit...