INNER HORIZONS – New and Old Works, Sketches, Books & Music by Márk Fridvalszki
Thursday, April 10, 2014, 6pm – 10pm, Igor Metropol Studió (Budapest 1116, Sztregova u. 1. 4. em)

Márk Fridvalszki, (Series) “Purple Haze Variations” (Xerox, Watercolor, Typewriter on Paper, din A4) 2013
Márk Fridvalszki was invited to stay at the Igor Metropol studio during April to prepare his solo show at LABOR, a presentation of a concept booklet ”Technologie und das Unheimliche” (Higgs-Field), his contribution to a group show at HIGGS FIELD, and a ”jam session-like” installation project ”Raum Evolution” (more details tba). Márk Fridvalszki (*1981 in Budapest) completed his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, and since 2011 lives and works in Berlin. Working with a variety of media including print, collage and installation, and based on interdisciplinary research.
Fridvalszki’s works explore and visualize the theme of ”Endism” – the ”end of age” state of mind. His works are influenced by techno culture, sampling practice, such contemporary theories like Anthropocene, and aim to question the question an objective reality in favor of discovering an individually constructed one (scepticism).
During the open studio event Fridvalszki will present old and new works along sources of inspiration like sketches, copies, prints, objects, and books in the tradition of a Wunderkammer. As music has a significant influence on his practice, he will also share some jazz, 70’s electronic and ambient tunes with you. Come by for a chat, a drink and a glimpse into the ”brainscape” of Márk Fridvalszki.
More photos of the installation:
- Mark Fridvalszki, flyer for “Inner horizons”
- “Inner horizons” (mixed media environment, size variable) 2014, Studio presentation @ Igor Metropol
- “Inner horizons” (mixed media environment, size variable) 2014, Studio presentation @ Igor Metropol
- “Inner horizons” (mixed media environment, size variable) 2014, Studio presentation @ Igor Metropol
- “Inner horizons” (mixed media environment, size variable) 2014, Studio presentation @ Igor Metropol
- “Inner horizons” (mixed media environment, size variable) 2014, Studio presentation @ Igor Metropol
- “Inner horizons” (mixed media environment, size variable) 2014, Studio presentation @ Igor Metropol
- “Inner horizons” (mixed media environment, size variable) 2014, Studio presentation @ Igor Metropol